RehabWeek 2023

The newly minted LLUI research group «Rehabilitation Technology», former cereneo Foundation, just returned from a very successful visit of the RehabWeek 2023 in Singapore. Chris Awai and Sandra Giovanoli organised a workshop on Novel Educational Pathways in Neurorehabilitation that brought together educational leaders from around the world. In a plenary session, Chris was joined by other researchers, clinicians, technology developers and hospital managers to discuss Rehabilitation Anywhere. Our group presented a total of five posters on the topics of markerless motion capture (Tim Unger), finger individuation (Anna Knill), instrumented clinical tests (Leah Schulz), vibrotactile reminders for activity (Laura Mayrhuber, collaboration ETH), and gamification of therapy (David Rode, collaboration ETH). Special congratulations to Tim Unger and the DELTA team who won first prize for the best RehabWeek poster.

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Rubistrasse 9
6354 Vitznau