
Psychedelics’ Promise for Mental Health Highlighted at Spotlight Lecture

Last Wednesday, November 6th, Professor Gregor Hasler, a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and professor at the University of Fribourg and the Lake Lucerne Institute, and PD Dr. sc. nat. Scholkmann, a biophysicist, neuroscientist, and research group leader at the Biomedical Optics Lab of UZH, presented the latest and most impressive findings in psychedelic research during the 4th Spotlight Lecture at the Lake Lucerne Institute.

Nutrigenomics Organisation Conference 2024

The LLUI Nutrition Research Team recently participated in the 2024 Nutrigenomics Organisation (NuGO) Conference held in Ghent, Belgium, where they presented a series of findings on personalised nutrition and taste science.

EU ERA4Health grant: Potential of D-Serine

Congrats to Prof. Hasler and Dr. Zimmermann on their EU ERA4Health grant! Their study will explore D-serine’s role in enhancing neuroplasticity and combating cognitive decline, advancing brain health research.

Lake Lucerne Institute AG
Rubistrasse 9
6354 Vitznau