
Excellence Program scholarship by UZH awarded to Jiahui An

We are thrilled that Jiahui An, one of our affiliated PhD students, has been awarded the prestigious Excellence Program scholarship by the UZH Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich.

LLUI Symposium: Meet your Taste

Last week, Lake Lucerne Institute had the pleasure of hosting an esteemed lineup of international speakers, each offering valuable insights into the fields of taste science and personalised nutrition.

Spotlight: Therapy Science Lab

Heute stellen wir das Therapy Science Lab unter der Leitung von Dr. Christoph Bauer in den Mittelpunkt. Lesen Sie den Blogbeitrag, um mehr über seine faszinierende Forschung zu erfahren!

Lake Lucerne Institute AG
Rubistrasse 9
6354 Vitznau