Group Leads

Chris Awai, Ph.D
Chief Scientific Officer LLUI & Director Data Analytics & Rehabilitation Technology (DART) Lab
#MovementAnalysis #DistributedClinicalAssessments #DigitalMobilityOutcomes #PersonalizedRehabilitation
Chris Awai was awarded his PhD in health and exercise science in 2014 from the Universities of Nice and Sydney jointly. His interests center on the rehabilitation of gait and balance after insult to the central nervous system. His work encompasses development of locomotor assessment paradigms and the introduction of markers of gait quality into clinical practice. Since 2020, he leads the cereneo Foundation, an interdisciplinary research team with the mission to bridge the gap between research and clinical implementation in neurorehabilitation.

Christoph Bauer, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
#TrunkControl, #MovementTherapy, #TherapeuticConcepts, #Telerehabilitation, #MovementAnalysis
Christoph Bauer was awarded his PhD in rehabilitation medicine in 2018 from Tampere University, Finland, and his adjunct professorship for physiotherapy from University of Jyväskylä, Finland, in 2021. His interests center on the rehabilitation of trunk control after an insult to the central nervous system and the possibilities of telerehabilitation and novel rehabilitation technologies in general to improve models of care in neurorehabilitation. Since 2023, he leads the research group Therapy Sciences.

Paolo Gasparini, MD
Affiliate Professor Neuronutrition
#PersonalisedNutrition #Nutrigenetics #TasteScience #SensoryRehabilitation
Paolo Gasparini is a professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste, Head of Medical Genetics Service and Head of the Department for Advanced Diagnostics and Clinical Trials at IRCCS Mother Child Hospital Burlo Garofolo, in Trieste. He has extensive experience in studying genetic basis of inherited diseases as well genetics risk factors for complex traits and diseases, in addition to genetics of senses, such as genetics of hearing loss, taste and food preferences including nutrigenetics and their implication on health status. Since 2021 he collaborates with LLUI to advance research activities in personalised nutrition and Neuronutrition.

Gregor Hasler, MD
Professor Neuropsychology
#Neuropsychologie #PsychedelicResearch #NeuroScience #GutBrainAxis #Neuroplasticity
Gregor Hasler is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and neuroscientist. He is a professor for psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University of Fribourg and head physician with FNPG. His research interests range from molecular neuroimaging of GABA neurotransmitter systems in affective disorders to psychedelics’s effects on neuroplasticity. At Lake Lucerne Institute he heads the Neuropsychology group.
Academic Team

Sandra Giovanoli, Ph.D
Education Coordinator & Postdoctoral Fellow
#Neuroscience #PersonalizedRehabilitation #Language&Cognition #Speech #Voice #Voice Monitoring
Sandra has finished her PhD at ETH of Zurich in Behavioural Neuroscience in 2015, where she investigated the effects of environmental factors on brain development. In 2017, she moved to cereneo Foundation as founding member, where she covers the logopedic and neuropsychological areas of neurorehabilitation. Her work includes research and development of place-independent methods for assessment and monitoring of speech, language and cognitive functions in stroke.

Roman Kuster, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow
#MovementScience #RemoteMonitoring #Wearables #MethodDevelopment #DigitalHealth #ArtificialIntelligence
Roman is a movement scientist with a PhD in medical science from Karolinska Institutet. His expertise bridges laboratory and field research in academia and industry, with a focus on developing and evaluating innovative methods and technologies to help individuals achieving their goals. Roman specializes in developing and optimizing devices that interact with the human body, such as exoskeletons and dynamic therapy chairs, and he is an expert in remote monitoring using wearable sensors for continuous tracking and digital assessments.

Catherine Maher (Graham), Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow
#PersonalizedNutrition #Nutritionist #TasteScience #Sensory #Taste #SensoryRehabilitation #ScentTraining
Cat completed a PhD in Personalised Nutrition in 2019, following completion of a master’s degree in Human Nutrition. She moved to cefir in 2022 to continue her research line in nutrition sensory science, combining the world of taste and scent perception with genetic variation and dietary intake. For Cat’s publication history click here.

Marwen Mokni
Research Engineer
#TrunkControl #BiomedicalEngineering #MotionCapture #Maker-lessTracking #Machinelearning
Marwen is currently taking on the role of Research Engineer, supporting the Therapy Science group in the development of a functional and multidisciplinary movement laboratory. Previously, he completed a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at EPFL and successfully completed his Master’s thesis at the Cereneo Foundation. In his thesis, Marwen was tasked with investigating a marker-less motion capture system for tracking upper limb movements, focusing on stroke patients.

Josua Zimmermann, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow
#medical image analysis #MRI #fMRI #DTI #data science #cognitive neuroscience #neurorehabilitation #psychedelic research
Josua combines neuroimaging and data science to advance research in clinical neuroscience. He has a background in molecular neurobiology and received a PhD in neuroscience from ETH Zurich. He also recently completed a diploma in applied statistics at ETH Zurich to enhance his skills in data analysis. Josua is the lab manager of the MRI facility and is particularly interested in the neural signatures underlying sensory and cognitive impairments in neurological patients. He is currently investigating the effect of psilocybin (a serotonin receptor agonist) on brain neuroplasticity and how this might improve functional recovery after stroke.

Michael Dettling
Director QM and Accreditation
Michael has a background in mechanical engineering. After more than a decade in process development in the semi-conductor industry and R&D of medical devices he moved into quality management. He finished his EMBA in 2012 at Kellogg School of Management and joined LLUI 2024, focusing on its quality assurance system and the institutes accreditation.

Lisa Stürgkh
Lisa Stürgkh read Experimental Psychology at Oxford before working as a line producer in film production. After further training she ventured into NPOs and most recently managed the P&K Pühringer Gemeinnützige Stiftung. She joined Lake Lucerne Institute in 2021 and acts as its administrative director.
PhD Students

André Böni
#PersonalizedRehabilitation #Physiotherapist #PersonalizedFeedback #MovementAnalysis #ClinicalDecisioning
André is a trained application developer and physiotherapist. He finished his master degree in physiotherapy – profession development in summer 2022 at the University of Applied Science Berne. André joined the cereneo Foundation as a PhD student for the StimuLOOP Project. His work is mainly focused on movement analysis, clinical decisioning and personalized feedback

Vincent Diehl
PhD Student
#Neuropsychology #PsychedelicTreatment #PostStrokeDepression #ClinicalResearch #Neuroplasticity
Vincent has successfully finished his master thesis in Clinical Psychology (MSc). For his thesis he worked in the Lab of Prof. Dr. med. Gregor Hasler assessing the processing of traumatic memories during psychedelic experiences. He further supported the research on the effects of LSD on neuroplasticity and an imaging study utilizing PET and MRI. At LLUI he will conduct a clinical trial on the efficacy of LSD treatment on depression severity in post-stroke depression patients.

Saskia Neumann
#GaitRehabilitation #GaitQuality #Capacity-Performance Relationship #PerturbationBasedTraining
Saskia is a trained physiotherapist and finished her Master’s degree in Sport-Science – Applied Movement Research at University of Freiburg. Saskia has work experience as a physiotherapist in neurorehabilitation and neuropaediatrics. In fall 2023, Saskia started her PhD at the University of Zurich in collaboration with LLUI. Her research focuses on the relationship between motor capacity and motor performance to gain a more comprehensive understanding of stroke and Parkinsons disease patients’ mobility and movement quality.

Francesco Piluso
#Nutrition #Nutrition&Genetics #PersonalisedNutrition #TheSenses #Neurorehabilitation
Francesco graduated from the University of Naples Federico II in Biological Sciences in Italy. During his studies, he mainly focused on molecular biology and genetics in the field of diagnostics. In 2022, he started his PhD at the University of Trieste and a collaboration with Cefir. The project he is working on concerns food science, in detail, the analysis of individual variations in the perceptions of taste and smell, how genetics affects them and how this information can be used to improve eating habits and general health.

Johannes Pohl
#MotorRecoveryPostStroke #SensorBasedOutcome #ClinicalAssessment #KnowledgeTranslation
Johannes completed a Master of Science degree in Physiotherapy at the Bern University of Applied in 2016. The Implementation of evidence-based interventions and integrated assessment in Neurorehabilitation Clinics was the core interest as a Physiotherapist. Johannes started a joint PhD at the Universities of Zurich and Leuven, focusing on the properties and predictability of sensor-based and clinical outcomes post-stroke. His research aims to integrate quantification and quality assessment of activities of daily living after stroke into clinical rehabilitation.

Harry Stevens
#Nutrition #Nutrition&Genetics #PersonalisedNutrition #TheSenses #Neurorehabilitation
Following an undergraduate degree in Nutrition, Harry received his master’s in Nutrition and Genetics from St Mary’s University, London in 2021. After pursuing research about the association between variations in circadian rhythm genes and type 2 diabetes, Harry joined cefir, in association with the University of Trieste, in 2022. His PhD project will investigate whether personalised meals can be created for individuals based on sense of smell, taste and genotype, and whether taste and scent sensitivity can be re-established in individuals suffering from neurodegenerative / neurological conditions.

Tim Unger
#IMU #Motioncapture #StrokeRehabilitation #MovementScience #Machinelearning #BiomedicalEngineering
Tim studied Mechanical Engineering at the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) for his bachelor’s degree and completed his master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the TU Berlin in March 2022. Shortly after, Tim joined cefir and started his PhD in collaboration with ETH Zurich. In his PhD, Tim focuses on the evaluation of upper body neurorehabilitation with low-budget technologies.
Master Students & Interns

Aline Brunner
#Neuroengineering #Co-design #PersonnalizedFeedback #Gaitrehabilitation
Aline is a Master student in Neuro-X at EPFL, specializing in the latest developments in neuroengineering technologies. During her internship at LLUI, she is co-developing personalized feedback systems for gait rehabilitation with a focus on patients affected by stroke and Parkinson’s disease.

Lea Cebulla
#MechanicalEngineering #MotionTracking #GUIdesign
Lea is a master student in mechanical engineering. During her thesis she will be working on a GUI for upper limb assessment during clinical therapy and some algorithm extension for IMU heading corrections.

Eva Cramatte
#BiomedicalEngineering #ValidationStudy #MotionCapture #VR
Eva is a Master’s student in Life Sciences Engineering at EPFL. During her internship at LLUI, she contributes to the validation study of Virtual Reality device for measuring finger position in a 3D space in a therapeutically relevant scenario.

Thomas Cramer
#Robotics #VR #SensoryReweighting #CAREN
Thomas is a MSc student in Robotics at the TU Delft. For his internship at LLUI he will be developing a platform that quantifies how individuals rely on different sensory systems during balance perturbation, using a CAREN motion base and Virtual Reality (VR) for visual disturbances. His work aims to support research into how individuals rely on visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems during balance disturbances.

Florence Crozat
#Telerehabilitation #ComputerScience #MachineLearning #StepCounting
Florence is a Master student in Computational Neuroscience Engineering at EPFL. During her internship at LLUI, she is contributing to the Telerehabilitation project, for which she will focus on step counting algorithms as a way to quantify activity for remote patients. She will investigate the impact of the position and number of sensors, as well as the stroke severity, on the accuracy of the step detection.

Emeline Debalme
#BiomechanicalEngineering #GaitAnalysis #PredictiveSimulation #Rehabilitation
Emeline is a Master’s student in Life Sciences Engineering at EPFL. During her internship at LLUI, she contributes to the Simpaire project, which investigates the effects of stroke-like impairments on human movement. Her work involves using predictive simulations to selectively impair specific metrics, aiming to identify patterns that reveal the complex relationships between affected gait metrics.

Florence Fischer
#HealthScience#ClinicalGaitAnalysis #GaitCAP #iArat #iActivity
Florence is a MSc student in Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich. During her internship at LLUI, she will conduct clinical gait analyses with patients from the Cereneo Clinic and work on the GaitCAP project to assess gait capacity and gait performance in able-bodied individuals, individuals after stroke and with Parkinson’s disease to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how patients’ gait and movement quality behaves throughout the entire rehabilitation journey.

Théophine Gurlie
#Neurorehabilitation #TrunkControl #AdaptiveAlgorithms #MotorLearning
Théophine is a Master’s student in Neuro-X at EPFL, where she studies emerging technologies and treatments for neurological disorders. She has a particular interest in the importance of chosing the correct, personnalized therapy for the correct patient; one of the objectives covered during her internship. She will more largely work on the adaptability and complexity of a VR game for Stroke patients rehabilitation, taking into consideration motor learning principles.

Johann Ullrich
#HealthScience #MotionTracking #MachineLearning #StrokeRehab
Johann is a MSc student in Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich. For his internship and thesis, he is working on an application that would help in stroke rehabilitation assessments.

Youssef Marzouki
#ComputerScience #VRdevelopment #TrunkControl
Youssef is a Bachelor’s student in Computer Science at HHU. During his internship at LLUI, he is working on developing a virtual reality game using hand tracking for the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

Tom Nielen
#MechanicalEngineering #Olfactometer #MRI #Neuroscience
Tom is pursuing a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Biomechanical Design at TU Delft. For his internship at LLUI and as part of his master’s thesis, he is focused on designing and building an MRI-compatible olfactometer. His work aims to improve the precision of odor delivery in neuroscience research, aiding in uncovering the neural mechanisms of olfactory impairments in humans using fMRI.

Gerasimos Pefanis
#MRI #MedicalImaging #AppliedPhysics
Gerasimos is a Master student at TUDelft in the Applied Physics program, specializing in Medical Physics. During his internship at LLUI, he is working on advancing MRI analysis to assess functional and structural brain network changes related to motor learning and decoding movement-related brain activity. His work aims to contribute to improving neurorehabilitation strategies for stroke patients to individually enhance the recovery of motor function.

Olivia Ruggaber
#GaitRehabilitation #StimuLOOP #MotionCapture #GaitEventDetection
Olivia is a Master student at EPFL in the Neuro-X program, specializing in Computational Neuroscience and Neuroengineering. During her internship at LLUI, she is working in the StimuLOOP project, helping to perform measurements with stroke and Parkinson’s patients using motion capture and feedback devices on a motion platform, and also processing and analyzing the motion capture data.

Charlotte Saillard
#iActivity #rehabilitation #IMU
Charlotte is a Master student in Life Sciences Engineering at EPFL. During her internship at LLUI, she is working on the iActivity project. The goal of the project is to inform clinicians about patients’ physical activity using IMUs, to improve rehabilitation.

Anna Schmitt
#Neuroscience #ComputerVision #AutoMQ
Anna is a MSc student in Neuro-X at EPFL. For her internship at LLUI, she is working on a project for Automatic Movement Quality, that explores and evaluates innovative methods and metrics to quantify movement quality in a data-driven manner.

Sharmila Selvanayakam
#medicalinformatics #iSpeak #UCD
Sharmila is a MSc student in Medical Informtics at FHNW. She does her master thesis at LLUI on the iSpeak project.

Adrien Sizaret
#DataAnalysis #BiomechanicalEngineering #MotionCapture #GaitAnalysis
Adrien is pursuing a Master in Life Sciences engineering at EPFL. At LLUI he participates to the PBT project where he aims to better understand the benefits of perturbation-based balance training on the balance of elderly people.

Sarah Stadelmann
#HealthScience #QualitativeDataAnalysis #IMPACT
Sarah is an MSc student in Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich. During her internship at LLUI, she is conducting qualitative data analysis on clinical experts’ experiences and knowledge regarding clinically relevant parameters of individuals with neurological impairments.

Klaske Toering
#BiomedicalEngineering #ReplayConnect #Usability #StimuLOOP
Klaske is a Master’s student in Biomedical Engineering at University of Twente. During her internship at LLUI, she will be involved in two projects. One of them is the Replay Connect project, she has to do the usability study of this tele-rehabilitation game. In the other project she will be involved in the StimuLOOP project, where she will help conduct measurements with patients and analyze results.

Eirini Tsatsaki
#Neurophysiology #EEG #NeuralControlOfMovement #MuscleSynergies #TrunkControl
Eirini completed a Master’s degree in Kinesiology at AUTh. She recently finished her second master’s in Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise, and Health at VU Amsterdam, where she examined the interplay between the motor cortex and muscle synergies during walking under mechanical arm constraints. Eirini is currently supporting the Therapy Science lab in developing experimental protocols involving movement analysis and muscle activity.
Close Collaborators

Jiahui An
PhD Student
#CognitiveNeuroscience #BCI #BehaviorNeuroimagingI #VirtualReality #Neurorehabilitation #Stroke
Jiahui started her PhD in September 2022, her main research project is at the intersection of Brain-Computer-Interface and Cognitive Neuroscience. Jiahui gained her master degree in Neural Behavior Sciences at the International Max Planck Research School (Tübingen) in October 2021. Her project aims to develop a digital biomarker capable of detecting cognitive load through lab experiments, utilizing functional near-infrared spectroscopy.

Mathieu Berthet
PhD Student
#Neurorehabilitation #PersonalizedRehabilitation #RealTimeFeedback #GaitAnalysis #StimuLOOP
Mathieu completed his Master in Mechanical Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne in August 2022. After completing his Master’s thesis at Balgrist Campus on the neural coupling bilateral finger movements and working for the pharma industry as an automation engineer, he joined the Rehabilitation Engineering Lab at ETHZ, in collaboration with the Lake Lucerne Institute, as a PhD candidate. The focus of his thesis is on evaluating the impact of feedback during gait training and how to develop personalized feedback trainings for patients.

Meret Branscheidt, MD
Group Lead Neuroplasticity & Learning
#NIBS #ClinicalResearch #MotorRecovery #UpperLimbFunction #NeurophysiologyOfRecovery
Meret Branscheidt is an experienced clinician specialised in Neurorehabilitation and a dedicated Neuroscientist. She received her clinical education at the University Hospital Zurich and pursued her Post Doc training at Johns Hopkins University. Her primary focus lies in gaining a more profound comprehension of recovery and therapeutic processes, and how they interact to enhance neurorehabilitation outcomes for her patients. Her work encompasses neurophysiological investigations into brain plasticity following strokes, exploration of motor learning principles in both healthy and neurologically impaired individuals, and the application of NIBS as a therapeutic tool. Since 2020, she has held the positions of Deputy Medical Director and Medical Research Director at cereneo Hertenstein.

Anna Knill
PhD Student
#Neurorehabilitation #FingerIndividuation #ManualDexterity #UpperLimbTherapy
After her bachelor in Health Sciences and Technology, Anna completed her master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at ETH Zürich in August 2022. During this time, she performed internships at the Swiss Paraplegic Center and AO Research Institute. Finding her passion in rehabilitation, she worked with a robotic exoskeleton (from Hocoma) to assess upper limb movements during therapy and was involved in organizations that use assistive technologies to support people with disabilities. In fall 2022, Anna started her PhD at ETH Zurich (RELab) in collaboration with Lake Lucerne Institute. The focus of her project lies in the assessment of manual dexterity for neurorehabilitation.

Mathilde Lestoille
Research Scientist at CNRS
#RehabilitationRobotics #RoboticControl #MovementAnalysis #PersonalizedRehabilitation
Mathilde completed a PhD in Robotics in 2021, on the control of arm prostheses. She then pursued a post-doctoral position at the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory (ETHZ), in close collaboration with LLUI, where she focused on the impact of visual and haptic feedback on pathological gait. Mathilde is now research scientist at CNRS in the GIPSA-Lab. Her research activities lie at the intersection of biomechanics and robotics.

Yesica Martinez
PhD Student
#Neuropsychology #Stroke Rehabilitation #Reward #Music #fMRI
Yésica completed the master’s degree in clinical psychology and neuroscience at the University of Basel. After graduating, she worked as a neuropsychologist at the University Hospital of Zürich. Yésica’s passion for exploring the therapeutic benefits of music led her to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Zürich. Her research focuses on investigating how music can be used to aid neurorehabilitation. Alongside her academic pursuits, Yésica also works as a part-time neuropsychologist at the clinic cereneo and is an active member of the young SVNP and YouCliN. Through her involvement in these organizations, Yésica is committed to advancing the field of neuropsychology and finding new ways to help patients achieve better outcomes.

Giuseppe Missale
PhD Student
#BiomedicalEngineering #Neuroscience #Rehabilitation #HealthDataScience #MovementAnalysis
Giuseppe holds a degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino and completed his Master’s thesis at ETH Zurich and Balgrist Campus on a deep learning based method for ECG reconstruction. Giuseppe’s research as a PhD student at UZH in collaboration with LLUI focuses on neurophysiological processes involved in motor control, focusing on after stroke patients, and the application of these research results to clinical settings and real-life applications.

Aileen Naef
Postdoctoral Fellow
#Neurorehabilitation #PersonalizedRehabilitation #RealTimeFeedback #GaitAnalysis #StimuLOOP
Aileen got her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Bern in 2023, following the completion of a master’s degree in Bioengineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Aileen is now a postdoc at the Rehabilitation Engineering Lab at ETHZ, in collaboration with the Lake Lucerne Institute, within the StimuLOOP project. Her research focuses on the development of augmented feedback for gait during post-stroke therapy.

Luca Nastasi
Research Assistant
#StimuLOOP #XR Development #EEG Data Acquisition #Patient Ambassador
With a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich, Luca contributes as a Research Assistant to the SimuLOOP Project at UZH and is collaborating with LLUI on this endeavor. He specializes in crafting personalized feedback scenarios for gait training within the CAREN system. Additionally, Luca manages the TSB Axoo device and fulfills the role of a patient ambassador.

Josef Schönhammer, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow
#CognitivePsychology #HumanFactors #CognitiveNeuroscience #HumanComputerInteraction #UserExperience
Josef completed a PhD in Cognitive Psychology in 2015, following a master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction. He worked as human factors and user experience researcher in the automobile and consumer electronics industries, before he joined cefir in 2020. Here his research focuses on the development and application of rehabilitation technology for the upper extremities.

Belen Valladares
PhD Student
#UpperLimbRehab #TherapyConcept #MedicalDevices #ImplementationScience #KnowledgeTranslation
Belen holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from King’s College London and a Master’s degree in Clinical Trial Management from the University of Lleida. She is pursuing her PhD in Medical Science at the University of Zurich, focusing on upper limb outcomes and neurorehabilitation post-stroke. At the cereneo clinic, Belen plays a key role in developing and improving the Therapy Concept and focuses on knowledge translation and implementation science to enhance patient outcomes. She also serves as Clinical Operations Manager for the StimuLOOP Project at the cereneo Foundation.”